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TSA Worker Accused Of Assault Had Prior Record

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  • TSA Worker Accused Of Assault Had Prior Record

    Do we know how many deviants are deciding which panties to check for bombs? Obviously not.

    "Channel 2 Action News has learned a TSA security worker accused of abducting and sexually assaulting a woman had previously been convicted of misdemeanor harassment and stalking.

    Randall King remains hospitalized following a suicide attempt. Police said last Wednesday, King agreed to drive a woman home from the airport. Instead, investigators said King took her to a MARTA station parking lot and placed novelty handcuffs on her."

    How many of these $15 an hour employees had a criminal background check, finger prints taken and really checked? Obviously not all.

    "Channel 2 Action News reporter Tom Regan reviewed court records from Clinton County, Pennsylvania. According to the records, King was charged with nine offenses of harassment and stalking by communication in January 2001. A court clerk told Regan that King pleaded guilty and spent three months in jail for skipping a court appearance.

    TSA has a long list of “disqualifying offenses” for employment at the federal agency that operates airport security. Those offenses include felonies, violent crimes, theft, and crimes involving security and transportation. Regan checked the list and found that it did not include misdemeanor offenses of harassing and stalking."

    So a plea bargained felony to a misdemeanor does not count. Does this make you feel safer when being pulled out of line and groped by a stranger, in violation of the 4th Amendment? Even terrorists have more rights--you can NOT search them until you give them their Miranda rights and an attorney--your choice, as a free American citizen is to be radiated and possible get cancer, have strangers look at a porn picture of you or be groped than a two bit Hollywood whore. Then we have the deviants working for the government.

    Why does Obama treat terrorists better than citizens? It is time for regime change in 2012.
