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Doctors Abandoning Medicare. Will BO Nationalize Doctors?

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  • Doctors Abandoning Medicare. Will BO Nationalize Doctors?

    Doctors have made it clear--they are NOT employees of the government.

    "Surprise, Surprise just as predicted by the medicare Chief Actuary, doctors are abandoning Medicare because of years of cuts in their pay which get locked in thanks to Obamacare.

    Doctors across the country describe similar decisions, complaining that they've been forced to shift away from Medicare toward higher-paying, privately insured or self-paying patients in response to years of penny-pinching by Congress.....The report projects that Obamacare will drive doctors away from accepting medicare, and would expand insurance coverage to an estimated 34 million people who now lack it creating a demand for services that could be difficult to meet initially and could lead to price-increases, cost-shifting and/or changes in providers' willingness to treat patients with low-reimbursement health coverage.

    The Actuary estimated that within ten years 15% of all medicare providing doctors will become unprofitable as a result of Obamacare's payment reductions."

    Note: 34 million more "patients" without a single NEW doctor. Who pays for this? Who gets to see a doctor and who dies without seeing a doctor? Who performs the surgeries and who dies because there are no surgeons available?

    What if the doctors go on strike, would Obama and his socialist friends "nationalize" them enslave them, force them to look at patients? Would you trust a doctor who was forced to be a slave?

    This is what happens when we "know what is in a bill after we pass it" as Pelosi said. Rationing, high costs, fewer doctors, procedures and medicine--we area dying nation, THAT is the Obama legacy--the least Michelle should allow us is french fries, cake and a cigarette--condemned people get that much.
