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Admitted Criminal/Illegal Alien UCLA Law School Grad

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  • Admitted Criminal/Illegal Alien UCLA Law School Grad

    Here is a great resume: UCLA Law School Grad--got into school by lying about Social Security card and citizenship. Is he going to be a criminal defense attorney?

    He is taking the Bar exam in January--I thought the Bar Association had ethics questions--like did you commit a felony, did you lie about being a citizen? Under Federal immigration laws--you can not get a job if you are an illegal alien. Guess the new criminal supporting Attorney General--who has helped illegal drug dealers and murderers in the past might illegally hire an illegal alien? Of course, any case he is involved int would be thrown out of court because of the open corruption of the AG's office.

    Wonder how those not admitted to UCLA school feel who they find out a criminal was allowed a seat instead? Wonder if he got in on a quota system? Which UCLA admittance officer violated the law--can the taxpayers sue him or her?

    Corruption has many faces; UCLA Law School is the newest poster child. Makes you proud to be a Californian, where criminals can get law degrees.

    I wonder if this guy also has a California driver’s license? Is this the ethics of the California Bar?
