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National Political News and Views 11/24/10

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  • National Political News and Views 11/24/10


    1. Audacity: Ground Zero Mosque Developers Apply for $5M in U.S. Taxpayer Money, The "cultural bridge" appears to be in financial trouble. by Kyle-Anne Shiver, 11/22/10 Pajamas Media

    Within a couple of blocks of Ground Zero in Manhattan a Muslim group, with financial ties to bad people, wants to build a Mosque and community center. If that is not bad enough--they want YOU to pay for it.
    "From the Daily Beast today, we learn that the Ground Zero mosque developers, who still owe more than $200,000 in back taxes, have jumped the funding shark. Evidently, those Saudi millions have failed to come through as planned and the mosque developers have applied for a federal grant to get their “cultural bridge” out of the water.
    The mosque developers, having at last report only about $20,000 in their bank account, have applied for — stop the presses — five million taxpayer dollars. The grant money, if approved, will come from a special fund set aside for rebuilding the area around the Islamist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001."

    2. Another hit to states: Interest payments to Uncle Sam, CNN, 11/22/10

    If the States did not have enough problems, Obama and the DC Democrats have create bigger financial problems. Every time Congress and Obama increase the time folks can receive unemployment checks, 99 weeks currently, the broke states have to borrow from the Feds to pay this new requirement.

    "The Great Recession has forced states to borrow $41 billion from a federal fund to cover unemployment checks for their jobless residents.
    Now the bill is coming due. Some 31 states will have to shell out an estimated $1.4 billion in interest payments on these loans next year. They had been spared this expense because of an obscure provision of the 2009 Recovery Act that expires on Dec. 31.
    The burden to cover this cost will fall mainly on businesses, who will see their unemployment taxes rise. But states will be hit too since the increased expense will likely deter companies from hiring new employees."
    why is joblessness high? Thanks to BO and friends, it will stay high.
    3. TSA pat downs: 'Horrible' screener job gets worse, CNN, 11/23/10

    The government is telling TSA agents to become perverts, deviants, pedophiles and sickies--and they CHOOSE to feel up Nuns, three year old girls and boys and the sick and elderly. They use dirty gloves and tell people not to record their dirty acts. Now they are whining about the filthy job they are doing. They could man up and say they won't, since they know they are not making us one bit safer.
    "We just want the passengers to understand: Look, we're not perverts or anything like that; we just have to search everything," said Rick McCoy, the senior TSA officer at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. "We're not here to be abused. We're just here to help you get on your flight and go about your business."
    McCoy has been a screener for the TSA for nearly nine years. That means he's been with the federal agency since its inception in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
    Mccoy, when you feel up a three year old, you ARE a pervert--shame on you--how do you explain your job to your children. How do YOU tell them not to allow a stranger to touch your private parts--when that is all you do all day. In fact, I think a case could be made for Child Protective Services to take your children away from you--you act as a pervert all day, who says you don't molest your own children at night? Would you allow your daughter to marry a TSA agent?
    4. Fed lowers economic expectations for 2011, By Neil Irwin, Washington Post, 11/23/10

    After bailing out all the special interests, working hard to make the unions whole while keeping unemployment and taxes high, Obama has assured a Depression in America the rest of his term in office.
    "Unemployment is set to remain higher for longer than previously thought, according to new projections from the Federal Reserve that would mean more than 10 million Americans remain jobless through the 2012 elections - even as a separate report shows corporate profits reaching their highest levels ever.
    Top Federal Reserve officials project that the unemployment rate, now 9.6 percent, will fall only to about 9 percent at the end of 2011 and about 8 percent when the next presidential election arrives, in late 2012. The central bankers had envisioned a more rapid decline in joblessness in their previous forecasts, prepared in June."
    Trillions is Stimulus and payoffs and unemployment goes up, not down. Obama is NOT the smartest person in the room.
    5. Lawmakers Warn $1.2 Billion Payout to Black Farmers Rife With Fraud, By Judson Berger, Fox News, 11/23/10

    Barack Obama is just another hack Chicago politician; he loves fraud, especially to pay off special interests, with tax dollars.
    "Citing reports that Hispanic and women farmers are also seeking payments from the Agriculture Department, she said: "It looks like this has more to do with politically correct reparations."
    Bachmann added that if the discrimination really was as widespread as the settlements suggest, "The USDA should just be completely shut down."
    Bachmann, along with Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa, and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., point to a red flag in the numbers -- while Census data pegs the number of U.S. farms operated by black farmers at about 33,000, close to 94,000 claims have been made so far in the discrimination case."

    6. Steve Bridges imitated George Bush on the Jay Leno Show during the entire eight years he was president. He was made up to look and act almost exactly like Bush. He has now started imitating Obama. We all need a good laugh! See story here.
